
Ismehen Melouka

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Ismehen Melouka is a Ph.D. candidate in criminology at Université de Montréal under the supervision of Professor Jo-Anne Wemmers. Having obtained a bachelor's degree in criminology, Ismehen pursued graduate studies in victimology. She focused on the perceptions and emotions of non-indigenous people surrounding the process of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in Canada. Her doctoral studies now allow her to explore the recognition of victimization in the same non-native population. She is also a teaching assistant for the International Justice and Victims’ Rights Summer School in collaboration with the Canadian Partnership for International Justice. Her interests in criminology and human rights also allowed her to get involved with the NGO Amnesty International – UdeM, which she was president in the past years. Ismehen is also assistant to the Special Adviser on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) for the Rector of Université de Montréal.

La situation palestinienne devant la Cour pénale internationale :...

23 July 2020

Cette série de deux billets de blogues s’intéresse aux procédures relatives à la situation en Palestine devant la Cour pénale internationale (CPI). Le 20 décembre dernier, la Procureure Fatou...

La situation palestinienne devant la Cour pénale internationale :...

20 July 2020

Cette série de deux billets de blogue s’intéresse aux procédures relatives à la situation en Palestine devant la Cour pénale internationale (CPI). Alors que cette situation en était à la troisième...

The Value of a Harm-Based, Victim Centered Approach to Reparative...

25 May 2020

On the third day of the 18th annual session of the Assembly of States Parties to the International Criminal Court, the Trust Fund for Victims hosted a side-event titled “The value of a harm-based,...